

Have you studied, said the Master to his son Bo Yu, the Songs on Man and Wife? If not, you would be like a man standing in face of a wall without seeing anything beyond it.


If an inwardly weak man, said the Master, pretends to look strong outwardly, is he not like a thief who bores a hole or climbs over a wall?


To spread the rumor you have heard on the way, said the Master, is to neglect your duty.


Could we serve the prince, said the Master, together with such pitiable people as are anxious to get what they have not and afraid to lose what they have? What would not they do if they are afraid to lose what they have got?


In old days, said the Master, people had three faults which are perhaps not to be found now. Then arrogance showed little consideration for others; now it goes beyond bounds. Then pride was formal; now it is quarrelsome. Then stupidity was straightforward; now it is deceitful.


A good man, said the Master, would rarely say what he does not believe, or pretend to appear better than he is.


I hate, said the Master, to see the royal red usurped by the ducal purple, to hear the imperial music corrupted by licentious local songs, and to know a state or a kingdom overturned by sharp tongues.


The Master said,"I would prefer to say nothing." Zi Gong said,"If you, dear Master, say nothing, what could we disciples record?" The Master said, "What has Heaven said? Yet the four seasons follow their courses and all things come into being. What has Heaven said?"

