Confine yourself to the present. 着眼当下。
China's drone industry has experienced rapid development, with a massive surge in the number of newly registered unmanned 查看详情>>
Mistakes on a Plane
1. Hours without interruption and work to do. You are not important enough to turn left on a plane. But you are important
Gossip in the Workplace
1. Gossip is everywhere. On one estimate, from Megan Robbins and Alexander Karan of University of California, Riverside, people
(1)As words fall in and out of fashion,new ones enter the language. But some,such as autonaut,chassimover and pupamotor MORE>>
今年的录取通知书已经是next level!网友:支持以旧换新吗?(下)
电子科技大学2024年录取通知书,礼盒封面是等待开启的日晷机关,嵌入礼盒中间的是由师兄师姐们亲手制备的5mm见方的“硅芯片”,芯片配合银杏流沙在周围流动,展现着属 MORE>>
今年的录取通知书已经是next level!网友:支持以旧换新吗?(上)
2024年的复旦大学本科生录取通知书,采用国家级非物质文化遗产山西省潞绸织造技艺面料作为封面,将独属的“复旦蓝”与非遗文化融合,在美好寓意中尽显古籍装帧美学魅 MORE>>
Listening comprehension: teaching or testing?
Listening comprehension lessons are all too often a series of listening tests in which tapes are played,