

So long as the ruler observes the ritual, said the Master, the people will be obedient.


When Zi Lu asked about an intelligentleman, the Master said, "He should cultivate himself and do his duty with respect." When asked whether it was all, the Master said, "He should cultivate himself so as to make others live in comfort." When asked again whether it was all, the Master said, "He should cultivate himself so as to make people live in comfort. Such is the end the sagacious emperors would have attained."


Yuan Rang waited for Confucius, squatting on the heels. The Master said, "Immodest in youth, unaccomplished in manhood and useless in old age, such a man would be a pest." He struck him on the slank with his staff.


A young man carried a message for Confucius from his native village. When asked whether the messenger was good at learning, the Master said, "I have seen him occupy the place of an adult and walk side by side with his elders. He is not good at learning but would become a grownup before his time."

