

Zi Lu asked how to serve the prince. The Master said, "Do not say what is contrary to your thoughts, but you may openly express your disagreement."


A cultured man, said the Master, goes up while an uncultured man goes down.


In old days, said the Master, men learned to improve themselves; nowadays, they learn to impress others.


Qu Bo Yu sent a messenger to inquire after Confucius. Confucius bade him to be seated and asked what his master was doing. The messenger said, "My master is trying to lessen his failings and not yet quite successful." When the messenger was out, Confucius said, "What a messenger! What a messenger!"


The Master said, "Do not interfere into the matter you are not in a position to!" Master Zeng said, "Even in his thoughts, an intelligentleman should not interfere into the matter he is not in a position to."

