

Baby giraffes inherit aspects of their mothers’ patterning—which could give them a survival advantage if good camouflage runs in the family. Christopher Intagliata reports.Just like humans have virtually unique sets of fingerprints, every giraffe has a unique set of spots. Not that those spot patterns really help wildlife biologists identify their study subjects in real time.


"We have more than 3000 individuals. … I have a hard time keeping track of that many humans so I have that problem with giraffes as well."


Derek Lee is a wildlife biologist and population ecologist at Penn State, and with the Wild Nature Institute, a research consultancy group. He and his collaborators have been tracking giraffes for seven years, throughout 1500 square miles in Tanzania. And they’ve amassed a library of 70,000 giraffe photos along the way. Photographing the animals isn’t that hard, he says. "The hard part is the tsetse flies constantly biting us on our face and hands while we’re trying to take pictures."

德里克.李是宾夕法尼亚州的人口生态学家和野生动物学家,同时他也在野生与自然研究所工作,该所是一所研究顾问型机构。德里克和他的同事已经跟踪研究长颈鹿有七年多的时间,足迹遍布坦桑尼亚1500万平方英里的土地。在研究过程中,他们也累计拍摄保存了7万多张照片的影像库。“为长颈鹿拍摄照片并不难, 最痛苦的是,当我们拍摄时,蚊虫总是不断骚扰我们,叮咬我们的手和脸”他说到。

Now, they’ve used image analysis software to study the spots of mothers and their calves. And they found that baby giraffes inherit at least some particular elements of their patterning from their mothers. Like how circular the spots are, and how jagged the edges are.


They also found that calves with larger spots were more likely to survive their first months on the savannah, perhaps because the spots better mimic the dappled sunlight in the bushes where calves like to hide from hungry lions and hyenas. The results—and a lot of giraffe patterns—are in the journal PeerJ.]

他们同时也发现,身上花纹较大的幼鹿在其刚出生不久时更容易在大草原地带存活,这或许是因为这些大花纹与太阳照进灌木丛落下的斑驳影子相似,而幼鹿则喜欢藏身其中以躲避饥肠辘辘的狮子和野狗。 这项发现和大量长颈鹿图片在同刊杂志中皆可查阅。

It’s perhaps not surprising that a physical characteristic that protects an individual from being eaten passes the test of Darwinian natural selection—and get passed along to offspring. "The fact these things are heritable and they did affect juvenile survival makes us feel like evolution is acting on these spot traits." So if mom’s camouflage is good, her babies, too, might have the spots that make them harder to spot.


—Christopher Intagliata




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