

Nobel laureate Mo Yan released a post on his official Wechat account on Monday, titled "Mo Yan: Received a Submission from Yu Hua Today". In the screenshot of the submission, the avatar of Yu Hua, the esteemed contemporary Chinese author, is a "scruffy little dog" that went viral online, while Mo Yan's avatar is also a small dog, but one resembling himself. 


Many netizens said they were immediately charmed by the adorable avatars of the two authors.


Yu Hua responded to jesting comments from internet users who humorously dubbed him a "scruffy little dog" during a lecture on Monday at Yonsei University in South Korea. He jokingly mentioned that even though he was wearing a suit that day, he was still a scruffy little dog in a suit. He recalled a previous incident in Hong Kong when he thought people were commenting on his hairstyle, so he went to get a haircut. However, his students corrected him by saying, "It's not your hairstyle; it's the way you look."



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