普通公民如何 “备战” 恐怖袭击 - Being prepared for a terror attack - 双语版

  虽然在炸弹爆炸或枪林弹雨袭击中,普通公民自保可能性极小。但我们还是可做些实际准备,以备最坏的情况发生。当然,人们无需太过于紧张, 也不要让恐怖主义威胁影响我们正常的生活。但有所防备,可挽救你和周围人的生命。

  While there may be little one can do to protect oneself from a bomb blast or a hail of bullets, there are some practical things the ordinary citizen can do to prepare for the worst.

  Of course one shouldn't become too paranoid nor let terrorism affect the way we conduct our lives. But being prepared could save your life or those around you.

  Juval Aviv在他的英文著作《恐怖主义—— 全面生存指南》中详尽列出,如何应对潜在的恐怖袭击,安全旅游、工作和生活的建议。以下为公号选编的部分内容,以双语形式发布,希望对读者有帮助。(中文为总结性翻译)

  Carry a small medical kit. It doesn't have to be a fully equipped pack you might keep at home or your car, but a simple kit containing plasters, bandages, antiseptic wipes, an eyewash cup and a bottle of clean water could prove invaluable in an emergency.

第二:为了防尘、防烟 ,带一瓶水、洗眼杯、防尘口罩。
  DUST & SMOKE PROTECTION - As mentioned above water and an eyewash cup could help you in a number of scenarios. Smoke and dust can get in one's eyes and cause irritation and impair vision. With a bottle of water and an eyewash cup you could save yourself some serious discomfort. Of course you should always be careful with your eyes. If shrapnel is embedded in your eyes you should preferably seek proper medical attention.
  It's perhaps also worth packing a dustmask in your bag or medical kit. It might not save you from poisonous gas attacks, but in a fire or dusty environment, it could make breaking much easier over a short period of time.

  MOBILE PHONE - Keep your mobile phone charged and carry a charger with you, and carry a spare battery if appropriate. While networks may be jammed, your phone may prove to be an invaluable lifeline.

  MEDICATION & GLASSES - Always have extra medication if you need it. Most incidents will unlikely to continue for more than a few hours, but should you be without it, you could be risking your life. It’s also worth thinking about carrying an SOS bracelet, especially if you have a rare blood group or medical condition that medical staff might need to know, Remember, you may not be conscious or in a state of mind to give them such information.
  Always carry a spare pair of glasses with you, especially if you are short sighted. Think about whether you'd be able to drive or find your way around without them. If the answer is no, then it is imperative you always carry a spare pair.

  An emergency can happen at any time and in any place. You may be at home, at work, or even on holiday. Should there be an attack or other emergency, choose the best and quickest means of escape and put yourself in a safer place.
  In a fire do not use lifts, instead use the stairs. Stay away from windows in the event of any bomb warning or other threat of explosion.
  In any event try to move to a place of safety, well away from the incident.

  Should you drive, keep your vehicle well maintained with a full tank of fuel. Keep a well stocked medical kit in the vehicle as well as spare clothes and warm blankets. Keep some emergency non-perishable or long life food supplies, such as UHT milk, tins etc. in the vehicle as well as some bottled water. Such items can be a life-saver even in mundane situations such as breaking down on a snow bound road in winter.
  A wind-up radio could also prove indispensable. Remember that if you are broken down you may not have power to run the car radio. And those blankets or sleeping bags will keep you warm until emergency services arrive.

  Even if on foot, carry a couple of chocolate bars with you at all times and don't be tempted to snack on them until you replace them nearer to their sell-by date. A simple chocolate bar could give you a significant boost of much needed energy if caught in a tight spot. Imagine being stuck in a subway tunnel for several hours after a bomb explosion. Even if uninjured, without food or drink, those few hours could prove to be extremely uncomfortable.

  Carry a torch. You could be in a dark Underground tunnel, a lightless building or in a powerless lift. Without a simple torch you may risk injuring yourself as you stumble through the dark. While many mobile phones have a flashlight capability, using this could waste vital power resources which you might need to place an emergency call.

  Be alert. In these days of heightened terror risk, a terrorist attack could occur anywhere. And while one may not wish to alter our routines and give in to such threats, we can all take precautions to avoid becoming a victim.
  Take note of any government advisories and follow advice. If you are told to stay at home, or conversely, leave it,  it is probably best to head their advice.

第十:风险防范—— 虽然不必过于紧张,但如你在高风险国家或城市居住或工作,应该采取额外的预防措施。大型交通运输系统、购物中心、主要旅游景点和交通枢纽地,更易成为袭击目标。
  Risk prevention
  While it is important not to become too paranoid, those who live or work in high risk countries or cities should take extra precautions. Mass transport systems are a far more likely target than a bus travelling through the countryside.
  Large shopping centres, major tourist landmarks and transport hubs are more at risk than small high street shops, small out of town attractions and minor stations.

  Juval Aviv的著作《恐怖主义—— 全面生存指南》中的建议可被认为是合理和适当的。但在现实中,我们大多数人无法避免可能会被认为是高危的事物。事实上,我们的生活中,有时都需要搭乘地铁,前往大型购物中心,到繁忙的机场乘飞机旅行。只是因为这些事情有高风险,而回避它们,这样做的结果是让恐怖分子在宣传上获得了胜利,因为我们在他们的威胁下,改变了我们的生活。
  The advice given in Juval Aviv's Complete Terrorism Survival Guide could well be considered logical and appropriate. But in practical terms most of us cannot avoid what might be considered high risk targets. Indeed, at some time in our lives we all need to catch a subway train, visit large shopping centres and travel through busy airports and on planes.
  To avoid such things just because they are high risk targets runs the risk of making us all scared rabbits and at the same time allowing the terrorists a propaganda victory as we alter our lives because of their threats.

  In summary we can all still Be Prepared, Be Alert and Be Safe. By doing so we can all avoid at least some of the dangers posed by terrorism. And of course it must be remembered, the chances of any of us ever being caught up in a major terrorist event is still extremely small.



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