

In a remarkable display of endurance and adventure, four students from Beijing Institute of Technology recently caught the public's attention as they embarked on an extraordinary cycling journey from Beijing to Tianjin, covering a staggering distance of 125 kilometers in just over 10 hours and 28 minutes.


The quartet, affectionately dubbed "Iron-Legged Students" by netizens, comprised Li Sijing, Peng Yongzhi, Chen Yuhang, and Qiu Yuxiang, all hailing from Malaysia and pursuing their studies at Beijing Institute of Technology.


Their motivation for this grueling expedition was as diverse as their academic backgrounds, ranging from weight loss goals to a desire to explore the scenic landscapes of China. Li Sijing, who initially took up cycling as a means of shedding excess weight, gradually developed a passion for the sport.


"Compared to traveling by high-speed train, cycling allows us to immerse ourselves in the beauty of our surroundings," Li remarked. Inspired by Li's enthusiasm, the others joined in, and together they embarked on their first long-distance cycling trip to Tianjin. Explaining their choice of destination, Li remarked that Tianjin's rich history and cultural heritage, combined with its manageable distance from Beijing, made it an ideal choice for novice cyclists.


Their bicycles, adorned with the emblem of Beijing Institute of Technology, served not only as a mode of transportation but also as a symbol of their shared journey and camaraderie. As they traversed the countryside, they captured moments of their adventure, forging memories to last a lifetime.


Addressing inquiries from curious netizens about their return journey, the students cited time constraints and limited stamina as factors preventing them from cycling back. However, they expressed hope that students from Tianjin University could assist in transporting their bikes back to Beijing.

学习成绩优异的彭勇智如今正在为读研深造做准备。“我希望在电子科学与技术领域深耕,申请中国政府奖学金,在北理工继续攻读研究生。” 计划毕业回国的陈誉航表示:“我希望回国后进入中国的跨国公司工作,发挥自己的专业优势和语言优势。”

As they approach graduation, each student has distinct plans for the future. Peng Yongzhi aims to pursue further studies in electronic science and technology, while Chen Yuhang intends to leverage his expertise and language skills to work for multinational corporations in China. 

在北理工学习了四年的李思净则感慨于中国发展的速度,希望用在北理工学到的知识和工作中积累的经验,回国创业,助力祖国大数据行业发展。“毕业后我希望应用所学,积累经验,回国创业。” “我希望系统学习人工智能领域的相关知识,未来继续深造。”大二就读于人工智能专业的丘宇翔说。

Li Sijing, impressed by China's rapid development, aspires to contribute to the country's burgeoning big data industry through entrepreneurship. Meanwhile, Qiu Yuxiang, studying artificial intelligence, seeks to deepen his knowledge in the field.


Their remarkable journey has not gone unnoticed, with the Tianjin branch of a bike-sharing company applauding their commitment to sustainable transportation while advising caution for such challenging endeavors. They recommend the use of more specialized equipment for lengthy and demanding journeys.



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