

The "matchmaking corner" is a spontaneously emerging grassroots tradition where parents take the initiative to find partners for their children. It first appeared in Beijing's Longtan Park in 2004 and has since been replicated in various cities across the country.


Liu Zhengxi, the explorer from Egypt, interviewed numerous parents passing by, inquiring about their priorities when assisting their children in finding partners. Surprisingly, he found that they placed greater importance on factors like affinity, character, and responsibility, rather than the conventional criteria listed on resumes such as income, property, and vehicles.


People have varying attitudes towards blind dates, but it's undeniable that the matchmaking corner provides an opportunity for single individuals to know others. 


In recent years, the format of these corners has become increasingly "youthful," catering more to the tastes of young people.

迈尔斯-布里格斯类型指标(Myers–Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI)是由美国作家伊莎贝尔·布里格斯·迈尔斯和她的母亲凯瑟琳·库克·布里格斯共同制定的一种人格类型理论模型。它根据个体在四个二元选择中的偏好,将其划分为16种人格类型:外向vs内向、感觉vs直觉、思维vs感觉、判断vs感知。该工具帮助个体更好地了解自己,同时也能理解人与人之间的差异,常用于个人发展、职业咨询和团队建设。

The MBTI, or Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, is a popular personality assessment tool based on psychological theories by Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers. It categorizes individuals into 16 personality types based on preferences in four dichotomies: extraversion vs introversion, sensing vs intuition, thinking vs feeling, and judging vs perceiving. It helps individuals understand themselves better and appreciate differences in others, commonly used in personal development, career counseling, and team-building.


Others would say that people in Chengdu are lazy, and they don’t get to work on time. All they do is hanging around in the tea house. But it is how they take a break. They can close their deals even when they are in the tea house.



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