
Microsoft to Make Augmented Reality Headsets for US Army


Microsoft has announced a contract with the U.S. Army worth almost $22 billion to produce augmented reality headsets.
Augmented reality, or AR, is a technology that uses glasses to project computer-created pictures and information that add to what users see in the real, physical world.
The deal was announced Wednesday. Microsoft would supply at least 120,000 troops with the devices.
Military officials said the technology will improve soldiers' ability to see their surroundings and identify targets and danger. The technology is based on Microsoft's HoloLens headsets, which were first designed for video games.

The Army said the headsets could be used for both training and in battle. The army said the AR system could help troops gain an upper hand during battle. Soldiers first tested the gadgets last year.
The contract is worth up to $21.88 billion for up to 10 years, Microsoft said. The agreement goes for five years and could be extended for an additional five.
Microsoft President Brad Smith spoke about the technology to the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee in February. He said soldiers could use the system to see at night and for facial recognition on the battlefield. He also described how it could help in hostage situations by creating an electronic representation of a building, what he called a "digital twin."
今年2月,微软总裁布拉德·史密斯(Brad Smith)在美国参议院军事委员会上提到了这种技术。他说,士兵们可以使用该系统在夜间观察,并在战场上进行面部识别。他还描述了在解救人质时如何通过创建建筑物的电子表现形式来提供帮助,他称这种形式为“数字孪生”。
Several technology companies have sought to use augmented reality for video games. Those efforts have largely been unsuccessful. But Microsoft's Hololens 2 will be used by the Army. The company also wants the devices to be used to help doctors during medical operations, factory crews and others. Users can often control what they see on the device by using hand movements or voice commands.
有几家科技公司已经寻求将增强现实技术用于视频游戏。这些尝试基本上没有取得成功。但是微软的Hololens 2头戴设备将供美国陆军使用。该公司还希望该设备可以用于帮助医疗手术期间的医生、工厂工作人员以及其他人员。用户通常可以利用手势或语言命令来控制他们在设备上看到的内容。
The headset deal is part of Microsoft's work as a defense contractor. The military also awarded Microsoft a $10 billion cloud computing contract in September.
I'm Mario Ritter, Jr.

来源:VOA news


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