BBC: 同事之间工资该公开吗? 你对密薪制怎么看?

Should we talk about our salaries?


It's a touchy subject. Talking socially about money can make people feel uncomfortable. But at work, have a conversation about how much people earn, and things can not only get awkward, but, in some cases, it can get you sacked.


According to a survey by the Trades Union Congress, 1 in 5 workers "have been told they can't talk about their pay at work". This, concludes the TUC, indicates how common pay secrecy or 'gagging' clauses are in employment contracts. 'Pay secrecy clauses are a get out of jail free card for bad bosses,' said TUC general secretary Frances O'Grady. 'They stop workers from challenging unfair pay, allow top executives to hoard profits and encourage discrimination. More openness about wages is essential to building fairer workplaces.'


So, should we talk about how much we earn? It's not so simple. Even without the contractual obligations, people may still be reluctant. "I personally have found it's better not looking and not knowing," Tracy Jordan, an HR professional, told the BBC. "Even if you feel you are paid a fair wage, there will always be someone that you perceive is doing a lesser job and is earning more. Rather than feeling perpetually dissatisfied, I think ignorance can be bliss."


Money is tied up with complex emotions, Brianna McGurran, a money expert at the personal finance blog NerdWallet, told the New York Times. It involves emotions like shame, success and fear of failure. It also influences how people view you. People's money is tied to their self-worth. As a result, culturally, it can be bit of a taboo.

个人理财博客NerdWallet的理财专家布丽安娜· 麦古兰在接受《纽约时报》采访时表示,金钱与复杂的情绪息息相关。它包含了羞耻、成功和对失败的恐惧等情绪。它也会影响人们对你的看法。人们的金钱与他们的自我价值息息相关。因此,从文化层面上来说,这可能是一种禁忌。

But all that may change. First of all, pay secrecy clauses are unenforceable in the UK due to the UK Equality Act 2010. An employee must always be able to find out if they are being discriminated against in terms of pay. In addition, The European Union is considering new legislation on pay transparency in order to reduce gender pay, earnings and pension gaps. So, for better or worse it may be something we all have to get used to. Over time, talking about our salaries may become just another matter for small talk.




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