陪娃吹泡泡受启发: 科学家用肥皂泡为果树授粉

Blowing bubbles: Soapy spheres pop pollen on fruit trees


Beloved by children and many adults, soap bubbles would hardly seem to be the most robust vehicle for pollinating fruit and vegetables. But Japanese researchers have found that these delicate spheres can each carry up to 2,000 grains of pollen, and their gentle kiss is strong enough to fertilise a flowering pear tree.


The lead researcher had previously experimented with drones for pollination without much success. But one day, while blowing bubbles with his young son in a park, inspiration literally popped up in front of his face.


After a few chemical alterations to the soapy mixture, the scientists loaded up their bubble guns and headed to a local pear orchard. Sixteen days later, young fruits started to form at a similar rate to trees pollinated by hand.


While scientists agree that natural pollination is the best method of fertilising fruit and veg, the Japanese team believe that drones armed with soap bubble sprayers could, in future, take some of the strain from hardworking bees.




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