Two attorneys went into a restaurant and ordered two drinks. Then they brought out sandwiches from their briefcases and started to eat. The owner marched over and told them, "You can't eat your own sandwiches here!"
The attorneys looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders and then exchanged sandwiches.


A Sunset the sunset is very beautiful and lovely. Its scene is as wonderful as a sunrise but it is even more beautiful to watch it in the country than in the city. When the sun begins to set behind the mountains, its long rays light up the GREen fields. the clouds in the sky also begin to glow with a golden light, and the mountains are really colourful. When the sun begins to set behind the mountain, it looks like a red ball. Its light fills the sky and changes the colour of the clouds from gold to red. When the sun is gone altogether behind the mountain, the clouds turn GREy and the mountains become black. then you cannot help admiring the wonder of nature. 本文来自:英语作文网(转载请保留此链接,谢谢!详细出处参考:



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