One stupid guy reads an ad about a vacation cruise that costs only $ he signs up and pays, the travel agent hits him with a bat, knocks him unconscious and throws him out the back door into the river. Soon another guy comes in, pays his fee and gets the same treatment.
Fifteen minutes later, as the two are floating down the river together, the first man says, “I wonder if they're serving any food on this cruise.' "| don' t know, the second guy replied.“They didn't last year。”


生活离不开购物。可是,人们购物与否、购买什么却因人而分、因时而差、因地而异、因天而定,随性而别、随情而变、随境而迁。作为顾客,我们多么希望商家懂我们;作为商家,我们更希望能了解顾客、追随顾客、引领顾客、等着数钱。 男女之别在购物上体现得很明显。女性逛街是享受,多远多久都是走;男人逛街是受罪,早点完事好撤退。男人购物性子急,奔着广告就上去,掏钱拿物很容易。女性看到广告倒抽气,生性警觉又多疑,害怕陷阱被人欺。男性对广告思考不深入、不在乎,女性对广告价格记得住、不糊涂。 顾客的情绪影响购买行为。好的售货员应该对顾客察言观色,根据顾客的情绪来选择是笑脸相迎,还是表示同情,不打扰顾客,或者抓紧时间服务、提高服务效率。一味傻笑的店家是傻瓜,最善解人意的店家才旺铺。 顾客的购买行为甚至受天气的影响。天气好的时候,顾客就更容易出门、购买。经济萧条的时候,女性更可能买一些彩色的化妆品,人们可能会买点快餐、喝杯小酒、尝点糖果来提神。 作为顾客,我们希望商家懂我们,但别利用我们。作为商家,我们希望能够懂顾客,把他们的钱包吸过来,但提供给他们最需要的服务。

his article describes the Trans-Cultural Comparative Literature Method, an inno-vative way to use literature to teach advanced English as a Foreign Lan-guage (EFL) students. This method originated from the authors’ discovery of common themes and points of view as they compared Turkmen and Eng-lish literary texts. While the method employs activities associated with Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), it also borrows from tech-niques associated with the Grammar Translation Method (GT) by focusing on grammar, vocabulary, and limited translation exercises during cultural comparisons of literary texts. P

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