
The neglected benefits of the commute

It can be disheartening to recognise the amount of time we spend in transit. The average Londoner passes more than 40 minutes on each leg of their journey to work, for instance. That means we spend about as much time on the commute as we do socialising or practicing our hobbies. This may be the longest average journey time in Europe, but many other global cities have it even worse.


Who wouldn’t rather spend that time with their friends, at the gym – or simply vegging out in front of the TV? But a series of studies published during the last couple of years suggest that commuting does have its upsides – particularly if you are taking public transport. And recognising those advantages might just make that journey a little less gruelling.

Accelerated learning


Consider the morning commute. There is no doubt that the stresses of a crowded bus or train can leave you feeling exhausted before you have even arrived at work, but some striking research by Jon Jachimowicz at Columbia Business School has shown that you don’t need to feel this drained.

在你到达工作地点之前,经历"地狱般"的早高峰,搭乘拥挤的巴士和地铁毫无疑问地已叫人精疲力竭。但哥伦比亚大学商学院(Columbia Business School)教授贾奇莫维茨(Jon Jachimowicz)却有惊人发现,研究表明其实大可不必如此疲惫。

He has found that people who engage in “work-related prospection”– that is, thinking and planning about the day and week ahead and the steps you need to take to achieve your career goals – tend to weather the stresses of the journey better than people whose minds wander aimlessly. This translated to greater job satisfaction throughout the day.


Jachimowicz suspects that these benefits come from the fact that it eases the conflict we feel between our roles at home and our roles at work. After all, your behaviour at home – as a flatmate, spouse or parent – will be very different from the ways you are expected to act at work. And some people don’t switch between the roles very naturally, creating a sense of conflict that can compound work-related stress.


“When we’re stuck in between these two roles – this thing that researchers call ‘role ambiguity’ – we feel conflict, and that leads to a lot of negative outcomes,” Jachimowicz says – such as feelings of exhaustion and burnout.

"当我们夹在这两个角色之间时——研究人员称之为'角色模糊'——就会感觉冲突,从而造成很多负面结果,像是疲惫感、倦怠感等" ,贾奇莫维茨说。

A few moments thinking about the day in front of you can therefore ease the change of gears, reducing the stress once you arrive in the office, he says. “The time period between leaving home and arriving at work is really a wonderful opportunity that people could use to transition between the two roles.”


The evening commute, meanwhile, may be a good time to consolidate your memory of the things you have learnt throughout the day. Francesca Gino at Harvard Business School asked trainee IT workers to spend 15 minutes of reflection at the end of each day. By the end of their course, they performed 20% better than people who had instead spent that period on additional active practice. Gino’s participants were, admittedly, reflecting on their work from the comfort of their office – but there’s no reason why you can’t use your commute to quietly reflect on the day’s lessons.

而下班路途则是在整合白天所学巩固记忆的好时机。哈佛大学商业学院(Harvard Business School)的吉诺(Francesca Gino)要求作为信息科技行业培训生在一天结束前花十五分钟自我反思。培训期结束后,与那些在同时段里进行其他练习的学生相比,吉诺的培训生表现更好,整体绩效高出20%。诚然,这些培训者表现优秀很可能得益于他们在舒适的办公室里反思——但上班族完全可以利用通勤时间来静心反思当天的所失所得。

Many people prefer a more involved distraction, of course – and it is worth remembering just how productive those snatched moments can be in the long term. As BBC Capital recently revealed, someone who spends around six hours commuting each week could read (or listen to) a 100,000 word book in that time. Or you might decide to learn a language. Neuroscience shows that we often learn best when we study in spaced chunks – and the commute is an ideal time to put that principle into practice.


Even if you simply let your mind wander, you may find that yourself unexpectedly solving a knotty problem – with evidence that periods of mindless distraction can lead to momentary sparks of creativity.


You don’t need to spend too long on any of these activities – in between checking your Instagram and Twitter feeds – but if you do devote a little time to reflection, your commute could help to enhance your sense of achievement and your productivity.


Slimming down


Your daily ordeal may also bring unexpected benefits to your physical health. A study of Taiwanese commuters, for instance, found that people who used public transport were about 15% less likely to be overweight compared to those who travelled to work in the car. Crucially, the relationship holds even when you account for other potential factors like socioeconomic status that might also influence fitness.


OK, a bus or train journey doesn’t carry the same physical demands as a Zumba class. But it typically does require a stroll to and from your station or bus stop, and the Taiwanese study suggested that these short bursts of activity can add up to a meaningful difference in fitness.


To find out more, Richard Patterson at Imperial College London analysed detailed data from the English National Travel Survey, allowing him to determine exactly how much exercise the average commuter gleans from their daily journey. He found that roughly a third of public transport commuters met the government’s recommendations of 30-minutes exercise a day, through their commute alone.

为了进一步证明通勤与健康的联系,伦敦帝国学院(Imperial College London)的帕特森(Richard Patterson)从英国国家出行调研调取详细数据并进行分析,由此得出通勤者从他们日常通勤路途中所获得的平均运动量。他发现,在搭乘公交的通勤者中,有约三分之一达到了政府建议的每日三十分钟的锻炼时间标准。



Patterson points out that governments could consider these benefits when they decide their funding for transport networks, since encouraging people to give up their cars and take a train or bus could end up having a real effect on public health. In the UK, for instance, he calculates that a 10% increase in the use of public transport could result in 1.2 million more people reaching the recommended levels of physical activity. “Some decisions, which may not seem to have much to do with health, can have these knock-on effects for people’s wellbeing,” he says.


Patterson certainly wouldn’t claim that your commute could replace regular visits to the gym but recognising these gains could surely take some of the sting out of a frustrating journey.


After all, psychological research has repeatedly shown that the stress of an event is often highly dependent on the way we frame it. Two situations – which are ostensibly equal on every objective measure – may have subtly different effects depending on our own interpretation, such whether it feels like we have autonomy, for instance, and whether it feels like it is contributing to a greater goal. These changes aren’t just subjective: they are reflected in physiological measures, such as fluctuations in the stress hormone cortisol.


Recognising and reappraising the commute’s benefits, so that they no longer feel like ‘wasted’ hours, could therefore have a real effect on your overall experience so that it no longer casts such a shadow over your day.


