


On Friday, Chinese science fiction writer Liu Cixin won 2018 Arthur C. Clarke Award for Imagination in Service to Society from the Clarke Foundation at the Sidney Harman Hall in Washington DC (local time Thursday evening).


Introduced as "acclaimed author of The Three Body Problem and other science fiction works, winner of the Hugo and five Chinese Galaxy Awards", Liu received the award and delivered a speech in English.


Arthur C. Clarke Award for Imagination in Service to Society was started in 2012 and is presented annually. There are two other awards given together with it. For this year, Irwin Jacobs, chairman of the Salk Institute, co-founder and former chairman of Qualcomm, won the Arthur C. Clarke Award for Lifetime Achievement, and Jill Tarter, astronomer and seeker of the answer to "Are we alone? ", won the Innovator Award.

亚瑟.C.克拉克的想象力服务社会奖,成立始于2012年,每年颁发一次,并有两个奖项与它同期颁发。今年,索尔克研究所主席、高通联合创始人兼前董事长欧文.雅各布斯(Irwin Jacobs),获得了克拉克终身成就奖”,天文学家吉尔.塔特(Jill Tarter)也凭借《我们孤独吗?》,获得了克拉克创新奖。

The winner for the 2017 Award for Lifetime Achievement is late theoretical physicist, cosmologist and author Stephen Hawking.


The Clarke Awards recognize and celebrate the world’s most illustrious and creative thinkers, scientists, writers, technologists, business leaders and innovators, a statement on its official website said.


