
1. Water

1. 水

Come on, you had to know this would top the list.Water is essential for your body's healthy function.It keeps all your systems flowing properly, plus itplumps up your skin for a youthful and gorgeousglow.


2. Green tea

2. 绿茶

In Asian culture, green tea is something you always drink. Is it any wonder then why they havesuch beautiful skin? Green tea contains huge amounts of catechins and polyphenols, powerfulantioxidants that guard your skin from free radicals.


3. Red wine

3. 红酒

You probably want to crack open your favorite bottle of red with dinner tonight, but you will bedelighted to know that red wine is also full of antioxidants. And we know what that means. Plus,it helps reduce inflammation and prevents dark spots.


4. Coffee

4. 咖啡

Coffee always gets such a bad reputation, but that is largely due to sweeteners and fattycreamers that people pour into it. If you drink black coffee, you will be doing good things foryour skin. It helps protect you from UV radiation.


5. Cucumber infused water

5. 黄瓜泡水

If drinking glass after glass of water seems like torture to you, jazz it up with cucumbers.Cucumbers have potassium, silica, and magnesium, and all of these minerals are exceptional atmaking skin glow. Cucumber water tastes just great as well.


6. Kale juice

6. 羽衣甘蓝汁

Start your day off with a green smoothie, making sure to load it up with plenty of kale. Kalecontains high levels of vitamin A, which helps to rejuvenate cells. It is also full of vitamin C soyou will be fueling your skin with the kinds of nutrients that make it bright and glowing.


7. Coconut water

7. 椰汁

Renew your skin's elasticity with this tasty beverage. It has got plenty of calcium, potassiumand vitamin C, the perfect cocktail for plumping up skin to perfection. Coconut water alsoprovides some added protection from UV rays, making it an ideal summer sipper.


8. Tomato juice

8. 番茄汁

Lycopene, the antioxidant found in tomatoes, helps to protect your skin from harmful sunexposure. It blocks cancerous cells and slows down the aging process, making tomato juice asmart choice for your morning juice.




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