

Upaya / Expediency

方式、方法。“方便”常与“善巧” (kausalya)连用,指佛陀或菩萨为了教化众生应机说教,使用巧妙的语汇和叙事手法,令不同背景的听众都能理解并领会言外之奥义。

This concept refers to appropriate skilful means or methods. "Expediency” is often used together with "ingenuity"(kausalya). It refers to the Buddha's or to a bodhisattva's preaching adapting to the circumstances, in order to convert beings. He used adroit words and terms and narrative techniques, so as to allow listeners of different backgrounds all understand and comprehend it and grasp the implied abstruse meaning.

“方便”概念是大乘佛教的一个关键,强调包括佛陀言教在内的所有言语表述都依赖于名相概念、不得究竟,在一定意义上都是方便施设, 如指月之指,故不应做字面理解,更不可执着。

The concept of“expediency”is a key to the Great Vehicle (Mahayana) sect of Buddhism. It emphasizes that all verbal expressions, including the Buddha's teaching, depend on the concept of the term and appearance. They cannot obtain the highest level. In a certain sense they are all expedient means, like a finger pointing at the moon. That is why they should not be literally interpreted. One should not cling to them.

