Translation Procedures

A basic survey across a given language pair normally reveals units that are structurally incongruent with one another, which demonstrates that translation cannot be reduced to establishing a straightforward correspondence between individual words. To properly render the meaning of the source text, translators must introduce translation shifts, i.e. departures from formal correspondence in the process of going from the source language to the target language. This chapter reviews a taxonomy of translation procedures used for dealing with the translation shifts proposed by Vinay and Darbelnet (1958), which has been regarded a springboard for later taxonomies of translation techniques and strategies.

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吴珊 加强跨文化交际,以小组为单位翻译论文,通过参与互动式小组翻译,提高大学生的跨文化交际能力和理解力。由澳大利亚-中国理事资助的项目一个选定的讲中文的翻译学生学习小组参加了该项目,从2011的8月到2012年5月由原住民研究出版社出版。为期一年的翻译项目完成后,作者对参加者的翻译经历进行了调查和录音采访。运用社会建构主义理论,对数据进行编码,对内容进行批判性分析,并对主题进行分类。结果发现,参加者不仅通过理论与实践的结合提高了翻译技巧,而且对澳大利亚原住民的文化传统和历史也比以前有了更好的了解。在理解了跨语言差异之后,他们把翻译理论与实践结合起来,通过以翻译项目为中心的各种有组织的学习活动,提高了他们的跨文化意识。这种基于交互的学生参与学习方法通过个人反思、小组讨论和研讨会帮助学生翻译者实现有意义的交流和学习者自主。最后,对团队翻译项目的教学含义进行了讨论,请参阅附件以了解更多细节。