


Yuan Longping, the “father of hybrid rice,” is one of the strongest symbols of peace in China and across the world. Yet it was not this renowned Chinese scientist who was bestowed with the Nobel Peace Prize, it was Liu Xiaobo, a Chinese dissident.


“By awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo the Norwegian Nobel Committee wanted to underscore the fundamental connection between developing democracy and creating and securing peace,” said Norwegian Nobel Committee Chair Berit Reiss-Andersen.


That statement suggests a political motivation. Democracy is a powerful ideology that divides the world into two parts, with Western democracies on the “good” side and non-Western countries on the other side. People who subscribe to this ideology believe that Western democracies are superior to and generally more peaceful than any other regime type. This powerful ideology no doubt played an important role in the Nobel Committee’s decision.


Yuan Longping is a popular figure in China for his tireless fight against hunger. He developed the world’s first hybrid rice in 1974 and has received numerous national and international prizes and awards for his lifelong work to eradicate hunger. His pioneering research has not only helped transform China from food deficiency to food security within three decades, but has helped transform the world. Even farmers from the United States have benefited from his work.


So why not award the “Father of Hybrid Rice” the Nobel Peace Prize? This question lingers in the mind of many Chinese who continue to see the role of the Nobel Committee as nothing more than a platform for advancing the world’s most powerful ideology.


