


  契克斯建成于16世纪,是一幢具有都铎风格(Tudor style)的庄园宅第,从1921年开始成为英国首相的乡间别墅,劳合·乔治是第一位入住这里的英国首相。
▲《简·爱》中的桑菲尔德庄园,现实中叫哈登庄园(Haddon Hall)
▲《傲慢与偏见》中,达西先生的彭伯里庄园,现实中它叫做查茨沃斯庄园(Chatsworth House),是英国最美的庄园之一
▲《福尔摩斯探案集》中的格兰其庄园(Abbey Grange)
▲《唐顿庄园》取景地海克利尔城堡(Highclere Castle)
▌Table posture 坐姿
  Your back should never touch the chair. One must sit straight and bring the food to your mouth. No matter how crumbly the pastry is, never lean down to the dish. The only exception is when you drink soup – you can gently bow your head ever so slightly.
▌Napkin maths 餐巾的尺寸
  There are sizes you know. Use a 17-20 inch napkin for lunch, a 12 inch napkin for tea, a 26 inch napkin for dinner and a 6-9 inch napkin for cocktails.
▌Consumption pace 吃饭的节奏
  Loo breaks are unfortunately not an option. Most dinners will last an average of 2 hours so you will have to drink in moderation to prevent the need to go.
▌No compliments 不要恭维
  You shouldn't pass comment on the food (because it was cooked by the chef not the Lady of the house), on the way your host is dressed (because it was a given that she looked nice) or décor (it would give away your status if you were not used to fine interiors).
▌Seating plan 座位安排
  Women dominate at Downton Abbey but traditionally guests would be seated in a boy-girl-boy-girl order. Married couples would be split because it was assumed they spent enough time with each other and engaged couples were sat together so that they could talk in a chaperoned setting.


▌Turning the table 轮流交谈
  To not exclude anyone at the table, you are expected to speak to one gentleman next to you. Then, when the main Lady at the table gives a gentle cough, turn to your neighbour on the other side. This was called 'turning the table'.
▌Suitable conversation 适宜的谈话
  Never talk about money, work, sex, health, politics or religion on the table. The Dowager is a good regulator of this. Conversation at afternoon tea in particular should be light to go with the light meal.


▌Eat seasonal 吃当季的食物
  Meals on Downton Abbey consist of seasonal food such as asparagus in August and game in the shooting season. They are big fans of meat which includes pork, fish, beef and lamb.
▌What food wastage policy? 如何对待食物浪费?
  Before the ration was implemented during World War II, people weren't so cautious about food wastage. It was okay to leave food on your plate especially because dinners consisted of seven courses.
▌Pudding is not a dessert 此甜点非彼甜点
  Pudding is the name of the sweet course served after the main meal. Dessert is only a fruit course served after pudding, and is still eaten with a knife and fork. Bananas should not be held and bitten into like a primate.
  pudding是主菜之后上的甜点,dessert 则只是在这之后上来的果盘,仍用刀叉来吃。吃香蕉时,不能像猩猩那样拿着香蕉咬。
▌Parlour time 客厅时间
  If you're the head lady of the table, once dinner is finished take the women to the parlour for coffees and liquors, so that the men can speak about politics for 20 minutes before they join you.


▌Breakfast rules 早餐的规矩
  If you're a married Lady, it is customary to have your breakfast in bed, because you supposedly don't have to socialise to find a husband. For those at the table, breakfast would be a buffet of kedgeree, toast, kippers.


▌Serve from the finest 使用最好的餐具
  While the staff would drink from clay dishes, upstairs fine bone china was compulsory.
▌After lunch snacks allowed 午饭后可以加餐
  Traditionally dinner was not served until 8:30 or 9:00pm, so it was normal to get hungry late afternoon. Anna Russell, the Duchess of Bedford invented afternoon tea, the light pre-dinner snack. This consists of sandwiches with no crusts and scones which you should break with your hand, not cut it with a knife. The jam and clotted cream order is personal to you.


▌It's a cup of tea 喝茶
  Here are the rules: milk should be poured in after the tea; stir the milk in with your spoon in a back and forth motion (12 to 6 o'clock); the spoon should be placed on the saucer behind the cup, and you should never hook your finger around the cup handle. Instead, pinch your index finger and thumb through the loop and rest the base of the handle on your middle finger. If the table is too low, hold the saucer at waist height.
▌Don't call it high tea 不要把下午茶称作“high tea”
  During the Downton Abbey era, the name 'high tea' referred to an evening snack which the staff ate, because it consisted of a substantial meal of cake and meat and was eaten on a high wooden table. The Americans misinterpreted it as a name for glamour and richness.
  在《唐顿庄园》时代,“high tea”指的是晚上家仆们吃的小吃,因为这种小吃主要是由蛋糕和肉类组成,并且是在高高的木桌上吃的,所以叫“high tea”。美国人误认为这个名字有魅力并体现了富有。
▌Hats and gloves 帽子和手套
  Hats and gloves are required for all meals before 6pm. When eating, remove your gloves and place them on your lap and the napkin on top.
▌Best dressed 最佳着装
  Wear a tea gown – a low waited dress similar to the one Mary Poppins wears – for afternoon tea and a full evening dress with an up-do for dinner. Men should always wear black or white shoes to let the woman shine. Make sure your maid logs what you wore to guest dinners to prevent any repeated outfits. However, it is perfectly acceptable to repeat outfits in front of the family.

  穿茶会礼服—— 类似于玛丽-波平斯穿的那件低腰连衣裙——来喝下午茶,晚餐时要盘头并穿晚礼服。男士们则应穿黑色或白色的皮鞋来衬托女士。确保侍女记录下来你参加各种晚宴时所穿的衣服,以免重复穿着。不过,在家人面前穿同样的衣服是可以接受的。

▌Tiara ban 冠饰禁令
  Only married women can wear tiaras to formal dinners, which is often gifted to them during their wedding. It is used to distinguish the single women in a room.


▌Want more? 还想要一些?
  It's not appropriate to ask for more food or drink. Here's how it's done. If you want more tea during an afternoon tea, ask the person closest to the teapot if they would like more tea. In reply, they will ask you the same question. Alternatively, if the port decanter doesn't reach you during after- dinner drinks say, "Lady Mary, do you know the Earl of [insert a town name]? He was a terribly nice chap who would always forget to pass the decanter”. They should get the message.

(来源:中国日报网 编辑:祝兴媛)
