

In early summer, croaking frogs linger in the fields, earthworms are busy scarifying the soil, vegetables and fruits grow vigorously -- life clamors on.

人们翘首以盼,留着肚子等待品尝樱桃、枇杷、桑葚、杨梅、荔枝、杏子,泡制青梅酒…… 山野里,人们寻觅“野草莓”,俯身采摘马兰头;江南水畔,莼菜、螺蛳正鲜美。

In the wild, they look for woodland strawberries, fetch malantou (Indian aster). In Jiangnan, the region south of the Yangtze River along its lower reaches, Brasenia schreberi, also known as watershields (a pond-growing herb), as well as luosi (river snails), are fresh and tasty.


Some people also make colored rice with red beans, soybeans, black soya beans, peas and mung beans, among others, or dark rice using the juice of oriental blueberry leaves and glutinous rice.


To comply with nature, it is suggested that one takes a nap at noon, consumes less cold food and fewer iced drinks, and eats something bitter, such as gourds or lotus plumule.

