

It is man, said the Master, that can amplify laws, but laws cannot amplify man.


Not to mend a fault, said the Master, is to make a fault.


Once, said the Master, I spent a whole day and a whole night in thinking, without eating and sleeping. I got no result and found it better to learn.


An intelligentleman, said the Master, seeks after truth instead of food. Ploughing, he will not worry about hunger; learning, he may win rank. An intelligentleman is more eager for truth than worried about poverty.


Wise enough to attain, said the Master, but not good enough to maintain, he will lose what is gained. Wise enough to attain and good enough to maintain, he will not be respected by people if he rules without dignity. Wise enough to attain and good enough to maintain, and ruling with dignity, he is still not a perfect ruler if he does not act in accordance with the ritual system.


The people need virtue, said the Master, more than water and fire. I have seen people drowned in water or burned to death in fire, but none die in virtue.


A good man, said the Master, should not withdraw from being a better man than his teacher.


An intelligentleman, said the Master, is consistent, but not obstinate.


In serving the prince, said the Master, a man should do his duty before he gets his reward.


In education, said the Master, there should be no distinction of classes.


You cannot take counsel, said the Master, with those who follow a different way.


The blind music master Mian called on Confucius. When he came to the steps, the Master said, "Here are the steps." When he came to the mat for the guests to sit on, the Master said, "Here is the mat." When all the guests were seated, the Master told him, "So and so is here, so and so is there." When the music master was out, Zi Zhang asked whether it was the way to deal with a music master. The Master said, "Yes, this is the way to lead a blind man."

