
During boom times, Americans tend to give their children more uncommon names, prize autonomy and independence in child-rearing, and favor music featuring self-oriented lyrics.

经济繁荣的时候,美国人爱给孩子取个性化的名字,看重孩子的独立自主能力的培育,爱听“自我向”的歌(歌词常见I, me, my这类词)。

Conversely, during recessions, Americans tend to focus more on fitting in, give their children more common names, listen to more relationally oriented music, and encourage their children to get along with others.

与之相反,美国人经济萧条时则更关注融入(群体),喜欢给孩子取常见的名字,爱听“关系向”的歌曲(歌词常见we, us, our这类词),鼓励孩子与他人好好相处。

Emily measured individualism by looking at social security data to see what parents named their kids during good and bad economic times.


Emily found that when the economy is doing well, parents are more likely to give their kids unique names — "I'm looking at you, Blue Ivy". When the economy is struggling, parents choose from a smaller set of more common names, which are often biblical names.


It used to be that, in the 1950s, one out of 15 boys would receive the most common name. Fast forward to 2013, it was one out of 75 boys that receive the most common name of their birth year.


Parents draw baby name inspiration from a variety of sources — family history, pop culture, literature and even food. For many, geography offers meaningful ideas. Many parents are picking the names of US states and capital cities.



James is an English derivation of the Hebrew name Jacob. James is biblical (the name of two apostles in the New Testament), royal (kings of both England and Scotland), and it is shared by countless great writers and entertainers.



Noah was derived from the Hebrew name Noach, meaning "rest". In the bible, Noah was deemed the only righteous man of his time, singled out by God to survive the great flood sent to punish the world.



It means "pledged to God". Elizabeth is derived from the Hebrew name Elisheva, formed by the components' el, meaning "God", and shava', "oath".


If we take this idea of increasing communal orientation, decreasing individualism, seriously, the findings that I have looked at suggest that we would also anticipate that we're going to see more caring and more supportive work relationships in the next couple of decades – to the extent that people are less narcissistic.


