




Your mist-congealed beauty blighted in the spring,

Your frosted petals blush now in the snow.

Hail Tree of Wisdom! Whose Rebirth

Adds luster to our Family Hearth.

(David Hawkes 译)

This mist congealed the beautiful colour. Before the Spring it withered.

Damp with hoarfrost it is slightly red. After the snow it opens.

Say not that this flower’s understanding is shallow.

With joyful luxuriance it assists in advance to enjoy the cup together.

(B.S. Bonsall 译)

Its misty charm had faded by last spring,

But after snow and frost pink blooms unfold.

Do not accuse this flower of ignorance—

Good fortune at this feast it has foretold.

(杨宪益、戴乃迭 译)

