Women Ignorance in Short Stories of Hemingway


Ernest Miller Hemingway (1899-1961) was the American great novelist and short story writer of the twentieth century. He has been applauded for her fresh approach to post war life. Biographical reading of his novels and short stories are usually possible. Despite his efforts to write invaluable pieces, it seems he was unable to cover his anti women attitudes in his works. In spite of four marriages and numerous affairs he never seemed to have stability or lasting satisfaction in his relationships with women. He is supposed to be a bias sexist as his short stories were wholly male-dominated. His being a sexist in his novels was proved by many critics and researchers but unfortunately little has been done on his wonderful short stories. The purpose of this study was to find the elements of sexism in some of the randomly selected short stories of Hemingway to show his view point toward female characters. Although the sexism is dominant in his works, Hemingway is supposed to ignore female characters rather than being a misogynist, or anti-women writer. This study also approaches his short stories following feministic theories.

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