Children's Attitudes toward Reading_A National Survey

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        学习者的态度是情感因素的一部分,对英语阅读的效果和阅读能力的发展有重要影响。这里推荐的英文文章对儿童对阅读的态度问题进行了研究。文中讲到:Understanding the role of attitude in developing readers is important for two principal reasons. First, attitude may affect the level of ability ultimately attained by a given student through its influence on such factors as engagement and practice. Second, even for the fluent reader, poor attitude may occasion a choice not to read when other options exist, a condition now generally known as aliteracy. Although the necessity of understanding attitude is unquestioned for these reasons, progress toward such understanding has been slow. Research into methodologies and correlates is frequently contradictory, a situation that is the likely result of (a) psychological theories that fail to define and account for what Athey (1985, p. 527) has termed "shadowy variables" associated with attitude; (b) psychometrically inadequate instruments that have been relied upon in the past to examine attitudinal questions; and (c) overgeneralization based on small and idiosyncratic samples.
        The attached document reports a study undertaken to address these problems and to explore anew some of the central issues associated with attitude toward reading.
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