
下载次数: 1112次



林文治  讲义


   It is one thing to be dignified and detached; it is quite another to be downright rude.

The country wants the new expressway; the city wants to renew its streets.


Sports at age are beneficial: they keep your pulses hopping.

His game was ragged: he went into sand traps four times and into the trees five.

某些连接副词如consequently, furthermore, hence, however, nevertheless, therefore等也可用作并列标记,在这些副词之前要用分号,而不能用逗号。例如:

His hair was white and stood up wildly on his head; nevertheless, I was struck by a singular neatness in his appearance.

It was raining hard; however, I insisted that we should start on the journey as had been scheduled.

I had arrived early as was my habit; I, therefore, felt privileged to take my leave without delay.

He had worked in the foreign service for two years without leave; hence he was tired almost beyond endurance.

It snowed heavily all through the night; consequently, all traffic was blocked.

The house isn't big enough; furthermore, it is too far from the town.
