
The unlikely (and disgusting) origin of our favourite foods

What do marmite, gelatin, and molasses all have in common? They’re all foods that begin as byproducts of some other food – in this case, beer, meat, and sugar. You might not think of cattle while eating jelly or yeast while spreading Marmite on your toast, but rest assured, without one, you would not have the other.


Marmite, Vegemite, and other spreads like them are made from the dregs of the beer-brewing process. After brewer’s yeast has done its job of converting sugar into alcohol, it’s scooped up with a slurry of other ingredients, and ferried to a factory where it begins the process of being converted to something more closely resembling food (if you’re on the side which finds such concoctions edible).


There, the yeast cells are burst and the proteins and other substances from their interiors are separated from the cell walls using a centrifuge. That thick soup of protein is allowed to ripen, with enzymes native to the yeast busily breaking down molecules. Amino acids, the component parts of proteins, help give a rich, savory taste, and so the more the enzymes are allowed to work, the more umami the product. Evaporating off excess water and adding flavouring ingredients are the finishing touches that bring a yeast extract to fruition.




They might not seem like the most intuitive edible in the world, but yeast extracts were the brainchild of an acclaimed 19th Century German chemist named Justus von Liebig, also a pioneer of fertilizers and many key, early insights into organic chemistry. In 1816, when von Liebig was 13 years old, a volcanic eruption in what is now Indonesia produced what become known as “The Year Without a Summer” in Europe. It seems he never forgot the crop failures and famines that resulted, and much of his professional work focused on agriculture and nutrition. He also founded Leibig’s Extract of Meat Company, which later became Oxo, the manufacturer of beef bouillon cubes.

酵母菌提取物这种半天然食品是由19世纪知名德国化学家李比希(Justus von Liebig)所发明。除此之外,李比希还发明了化肥,并且验证了有机化学领域早期众多重要发现。1816年,就在李比希13岁那年,当前印度尼西亚所在地区曾经发生火山喷发,火山灰遮天蔽日,导致欧洲出现“无夏之年”。就在这一年,他亲眼目睹了作物枯萎,饥荒蔓延的惨状,由此下定决心要在农业和营养学领域干出一番事业。除科学研究之外,他还组建了李比希肉类产品公司,这家公司后来演变成为牛肉高汤块制造商Oxo公司。

If you make beer at home and want to give your leftovers new life, the Nordic Food Lab blog has a recipe for scientific-minded cooks to make their own yeast spread.

如果你在家自酿啤酒,而又不想浪费下脚料的话,可以参考北欧食品实验室(Nordic Food Lab)博客为有科学头脑的大厨们提供的一个配方自制酵母。

Molasses, or black treacle, is the sludge left-over from the production of table sugar. The sugar cane is first crushed to release its juices, which are then boiled to evaporate the water. As the fluid thickens, sugar crystals begin to form, and to dry them out thoroughly, the mixture is spun in a centrifuge. The crystals then go to make table sugar, but the juice that’s left over – the mother liquor – can be further concentrated into a thick, sweet, slightly bitter syrup.

糖浆(Molasses),或称黑糖浆(black treacle),是蔗糖制造工艺中产生的副产品。首先将甘蔗压碎挤出汁液,煮沸后蒸发掉水分。甘蔗汁变稠后将逐渐生成糖晶体。将晶体与汁液的混合液彻底干燥后用离心泵进行分离,分离产生的晶体用于制造蔗糖,剩余的汁液——或称母液——进一步浓缩后即形成粘稠、甘甜、并略带苦味的糖浆。

Molasses can be fermented with water and yeast and distilled to make rum, and the two products were part of the infamous Triangle Trade that linked Africa, the West Indies, and the American colonies and Europe beginning in the 16th Century. Molasses from the sugar cane plantations of the Indies was sent northwards to be converted to rum, rum and other goods were sent to Africa, and they were traded to acquire the final leg: enslaved people, to be traded for more molasses. British taxes on foreign molasses entering the American colonies and the subsequent orgy of molasses smuggling formed some of the backdrop of the American Revolution.


Gelatin is such a whimsical kind of food – bouncy, sweet, and brightly coloured when it’s turned into jelly — that it’s easy to forget that it’s actually an animal product. Boiling the leftover skins and bones of cattle, chicken, and pigs causes the connective tissue molecule collagen to fragment and disperse into the water. These strands can be filtered out and dried into a powder.

果冻是一种富有弹性、口味甘甜的胶状食品 。如果制成果酱,则拥有鲜艳的色彩,让人们很难意识到它其实是一种动物产品。将牛、鸡和猪的皮骨煮沸后,结缔组织细胞中包含胶原蛋白将分解成片段状并分散入水中。将胶原蛋白片段从水中过滤并干燥后形成粉末。

At room temperature, the strands are bonded to each other, but as you add boiling water and the temperature goes up, the bonds are disturbed and the molecules are free to form new arrangements, which they promptly do as the liquid cools, creating a 3D matrix of strands. They also attach to water molecules, surrounding themselves with skins of H2O, and the end result is a dense network of collagen threaded with water. Beware of putting certain kinds of fresh fruit into your jelly, however – pineapples and papayas, to name a couple, contain active enzymes that will snip through the chains of collagen and leave your dessert soupy.


Preparing gelatin today is a relatively simple matter from the consumer’s perspective, and for understanding the tremendous social role this development played, especially in the United States, I cannot recommend The Social History of Jell-O Salad highly enough.

今天的消费者可以轻而易举地自制果冻。如果你想进一步了解果冻这种食品扮演的重要社会角色,尤其在美国扮演的角色,没什么比读一读《果冻沙拉的社会历史》(The Social History of Jell-O Salad)一书更合适的了。

But it was not always the case. Early recipes advised cooks to laboriously boil down their own calves’ feet, and jellies often involved the use of the dried swim bladders of fish, a product known as isinglass, or even shavings of ivory.


One thing is for sure: We will eat pretty much anything.


