
This Isn’t Your Old Toxic Masculinity. It Has Taken an Insidious New Form.

Toxic masculinity is so 2017.


It hasn’t disappeared, of course, but in the years since #MeToo, many men have been trying to drop the stoicism and anger that have long warped masculinity. Some are seeking therapy. Others have enrolled in workshops and men’s groups in an effort to get in touch with their feelings and become better men. For better or worse, everyone you know is watching “Ted Lasso.” The strong, silent type is losing some of his allure.

当然,它还没有消失,但是在“#我也是”运动之后的几年里,许多男人一直在试图摆脱长期以来扭曲了男性气质的坚忍和愤怒。一些人在寻求心理治疗。另一些人则参加了工作坊和男性团体,以努力贴近他们自己的感受,并成为更好的男人。无论是好是坏,你认识的每个人都在看《泰德·拉索》(Ted Lasso)。坚强且沉默的那种类型正在失去一些吸引力。


My personal relationship to masculinity is fraught. I spent my first 31 years moving through spaces where I didn’t feel I belonged, and I was often told implicitly or explicitly that I wasn’t performing maleness correctly. I cried often as a child, and a cousin once pulled me aside to tell me that as a boy I should never cry unless I had a cut running from my eye to my ankle. In high school, after telling my best friend that my grandfather died, he asked me to please leave his house if I was planning to cry.


Two years ago, I came out as a nonbinary trans person. Expressing my true gender identity did not immediately fix my relationship with vulnerability, but it led me to delve deeper into what vulnerability is and how it can operate. As it happens, vulnerability was having a cultural moment — as the topic of popular TED talks and the focus of groups invested in helping men evolve, such as The ManKind Project and Evryman (whose men’s retreats echoed earlier movements encouraging self-reflection in men, including Robert Bly’s “mythopoetic men’s movement”).

两年前,我以非二元跨性别者的身份出柜。表达我真实的性别认同并没有立即修复我与脆弱的关系,但它让我更深入地了解脆弱是什么,以及它是如何运作的。碰巧的是,脆弱正在成为一个文化时刻——它成为受欢迎的TED演讲的主题,也是The ManKind Project和Evryman这样致力于帮助男性进化的组织的焦点(他们的男性静修与早期鼓励男性自我反省的运动相呼应,包括罗伯特·布莱的“神话创作式的男性运动”)。

It has been exciting to watch as more men embrace vulnerability. At a men’s group meeting in 2019, I saw men like those I knew growing up taking responsibility for their actions and feelings. This was far from the new normal, but at least men were coming together to talk. I began to feel hopeful about the state of masculinity.


But my hope has begun to diminish as I’ve watched male vulnerability curdle into something toxic: Let’s call it petulant vulnerability.


Think of the boyfriend professing loneliness to ensure his partner never sees their friends. Or the hundreds of texts and anecdotes of so-called softbois collected on the @beam_me_up_softboi Instagram account — men who express their feelings the way avalanches share snow, often as a form of manipulation or passive aggression. On the HBO Show “Succession,” Kendall Roy professes his empathy with the plight of abused women only to feed his narcissistic desires. And the film “Promising Young Woman” showcased the horror of the “nice guy” whose sensitivity slides stealthily into misogyny and abuse.

想想那种宣称自己很孤独的男朋友,他这样做以确保他的伴侣永远不会见到他们的朋友。或者Instagram上的@beam_me_up_softboi账号收集的数百篇所谓的softbois(忧郁巨婴)的文字和轶事——这些人分享自己感受的方式如同雪崩,通常以一种操纵或被动攻击的形式。在HBO剧集《继承之战》(Succession)中,主角肯德尔·罗伊表达了他对受虐待女性困境的同情,只是为了满足他的自恋欲望。而电影《前程似锦的女孩》(Promising Young Woman)则展示了“好男人”的恐怖,这些男人在情感上的敏锐正悄悄变成厌女和虐待行为。

There have been some extreme examples in high-profile court cases of the past year. The courtroom tears of Kyle Rittenhouse, who was later acquitted in the deaths of two men he shot and the wounding of another, and Travis McMichael, who, along with his father and a neighbor, was convicted of the murder of Ahmaud Arbery, were public displays of petulant vulnerability. They show strikingly how this aggrieved, self-righteous mind-set privileges one’s own vulnerability over that of others: The crying killer doesn’t recognize the vulnerability of his victim.


The aftermath of last year’s Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol was a festival of petulant vulnerability. While the attack itself was violent and wrathful, many in the mostly male mob, who screamed obscenities or threw heavy objects at police officers that day, later wept as they expressed shame, offered excuses or complained about jobs and friends they lost. One rioter even blamed “Foxitis” for his actions: His lawyer argued that months of watching Fox News had destabilized him to the point where he started believing untruths. Classic toxic masculinity was on full display when those would-be heroes rallied to “save America” on Jan. 6, but some became hapless patsies once they were held accountable. Their capes became baby blankets.


Petulant vulnerability is not, of course, confined to men. An example can be found in the case of Amy Cooper, the woman who was filmed falsely reporting to the police that “an African-American man is threatening my life,” her voice sounding breathless and panicked, after a bird watcher in Central Park asked her to leash her dog.


What is real vulnerability? Brené Brown, a researcher whose work on vulnerability has made her a celebrity, defines it as “uncertainty, risk and emotional exposure” in her 2013 book “Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead.” Petulant vulnerability, however, uses the language of vulnerability as a cudgel. If true vulnerability means accepting change, personal fallibility and the human condition of reliance on others, petulant vulnerability feigns emotional fragility as a means of retaining power.

什么是真正的脆弱?因其对脆弱的研究而为人所熟知的研究人员布蕾妮·布朗在2013年出版的著作《脆弱的力量》(Daring Greatly)中将脆弱定义为“不确定性、风险和情感暴露”。然而,暴躁的脆弱使用脆弱的语言作为棍棒。如果真正的脆弱意味着接受改变、接纳人难免犯错和依赖他人的处境,那么暴躁的脆弱则假装成情感脆弱,以此作为掌控权力的一种手段。

If true vulnerability seems scary, it is — but that doesn’t make expressing it any less necessary, for men as for everyone. What if, on Jan. 5, 2021, a man upset by Donald Trump’s electoral defeat had confessed to friends and loved ones that he was afraid and that he felt he was losing control in a world he believed no longer valued him? What if he had sat with those feelings, cried if he wanted to and discussed how to chart his path in a changing landscape? That would have been vulnerable.


This kind of vulnerability can be difficult, of course. Even as men’s groups committed to positive change gain prominence, our society still broadly enforces traditional masculinity norms and restrictions. And online there are plenty of spaces where extremely toxic behavior is encouraged and applauded — some of which also deploy the language of vulnerability. In incel forums, for example, rather than working through the pain of being sexually rejected, men lash out at the women they feel they deserve — occasionally resulting in horrific violence.


So, what’s to be done? Though men’s discussion groups and more nuanced male leads on TV cannot, on their own, shift our expectations of manhood, the fact that they exist and are gaining popularity counts for something. “Men cannot change if there are no blueprints for change,” bell hooks wrote in her 2005 book “The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love,” where she uses feminist thinking to show men how to overcome their conditioning.

那么,该怎么办呢?虽然男性讨论小组和电视上更复杂丰富的男主角本身不能改变我们对男子气概的期望,但它们存在并越来越受欢迎的事实仍然有意义。“如果没有改变的蓝图,男人就无法改变,”贝尔·霍克斯在她2005年出版的《改变的意愿:男人、男子气概和爱》(The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love)一书中写道,她用女权主义思维向男人展示如何克服他们的约束。

The hard part is yet to come. Change is taxing and boring and scary. It requires humility and vulnerability — the real stuff, not the cheap imitation. And it requires letting go of what some men feel entitled to. The rewards, however, will make this effort worthwhile.


“To know love,” Ms. hooks writes, “men must be able to let go the will to dominate.”


