
Aavik’s efforts mostly predated independence. Other language reformers have begun their work only after they had a state at their disposal. The new republic of Turkey, under Kemal Ataturk, had lost many of the Ottoman empire’s provinces; its pride was wounded and its population now far more Turkish. Ataturk decreed a switch from the Arabic to the Latin alphabet and, in an extraordinary purge, sought to get rid of Arabic and Persian borrowings, replacing them with new coinages. One scholar calls this a “catastrophic success”: modern Turks need special training to read the Turkish of a hundred years ago.
Purist engineering has also been used to distance a language from an overly close relative. Standard Norwegian was once too similar to Danish for some Norwegians; hence the creation of “new Norwegian” (nynorsk), cobbled together from dialects and avoiding Danish echoes, which today is co-official alongside the older Dano-Norwegian (bokmal). Hindi and Urdu are close enough that some consider them a single language, but since Indian and Pakistani independence, new Hindi coinages and borrowings have tended to come from Sanskrit, Urdu ones from Arabic and Persian. The languages are growing apart.

In fact, places that accept foreign words with a live-and-let-live attitude are the exceptions. Centuries ago, English, which seems undogmatic, itself experienced the “inkhorn controversy”, in which some intellectuals freely coined words from Greek and Latin, such as “educate” and “ostracise”. (Some, such as “suppediate”, meaning “to supply”, never made it.) Aavik-like, purists fought back, coining terms like “witcraft” to replace borrowings like “reason”. Their attitude was exemplified by Sir John Cheke, who in 1557 wrote: “I am of the opinion that our tung should be written cleane and pure, vnmixt and vnmangled with borowing of other tunges.”
事实上,那些对外来词抱着和平共存态度的地方是例外。几个世纪以前,英语本身就经历了“墨水瓶之争”,一些知识分子自由地从希腊语和拉丁语中创造了“educate教育”和“ostracise排斥”等词汇。(有些词,如“suppediate”,意为“供应”,从未成功。) 与阿维克类似,纯粹主义者进行了反击,创造了“witcraft”这样的词汇来取代“reason理由”这样的借词。他们的态度在约翰·契克爵士身上得到了体现,他在1557年写道:“我认为我们的语言应该写得干净纯粹,不混杂其它外来语。”
Most of the inkhornisms survived. These days, English has become so robust that it is no longer the polluted but the polluter. That it now lacks a purist tendency of its own may be less because the British are naturally laissez-faire liberals than because English is the world’s top linguistic dog. It exports words around the globe, often to the alarm of nationalists overseas. They might take some comfort from the fact that English thrived after its controversial mangling. Objectively, borrowing does no harm. But then, such worries are rarely objective to begin with.


