


THE Hanford nuclear complex in Washington state contained radioactive alligator carcasses. Nuns used their blood to daub crosses on a missile silo in Colorado. In Cumbria, northern England, 1,500 contaminated birds were killed and buried with some radioactive garden gnomes.


These lurid tales from the nuclear world are all real. But the industry also generates myths that are widely accepted as true. For example, Chernobyl is not a dead zone: its wildlife thrives (see picture), and many returnees have lived into ruddy old age, eating produce from the radioactive soil. The evidence suggests those who die early are the evacuees who, Fred Pearce writes, “languish unhappily in distant towns—free of radiation but often consumed by angst, junk food and fear.” Likewise, no one seems to have died as a direct result of the meltdown at Fukushima. The deaths related to the accident were mainly suicides prompted by the chaotic evacuation and loss of home, jobs and family. “Psychological fallout” can be lethal.

以上这些来自核领域的骇人故事都是货真价实的。不过,这个行业同样还产出了某些被广泛认可为真的错误观念。比如,切尔诺贝利并非死区:那里野生生命活得欣欣向荣(如图),许多反乡的人都吃着从具放射性土壤中长出的作物,气色很好地活到了老年。Fred Pearce写到,许多证据表明,死的早的都是那些撤离者,“他们在异乡远镇里痛苦地承受折磨——虽无辐射之扰却往往因焦虑、垃圾食品与恐惧而耗尽生命。”同样的,似乎并无一人直接死于福岛核反应堆融毁。与该事故相关的死亡主要都是因混乱的疏散与流离失所、失业家破所引发的自杀。“心理性后果”亦具有致死性。

When the truth seems ludicrous, and falsehoods are widely believed, facts can be elusive. In “Fallout” Mr Pearce, a veteran science journalist, travels the world to pin down what he calls “the radioactive legacies of the nuclear age”. He moves between weaponry and energy, cataloguing mistakes, dishonesty and irrational fears. The result is a panorama of atomic grotesquerie that is at once troubling, surprising and ruthlessly entertaining.


His nuclear odyssey yields some hideous examples of the industry’s secrecy, particularly a visit to the Russian village of Metlino, on the Techa river in the Urals. In the 1950s this was the world’s most radioactive river; Mr Pearce reckons it may have been responsible for more sickness than all of the other nuclear incidents in history combined. Upstream sat the Mayak power plant, which “poured into it an average of one Olympic swimming pool’s worth of highly radioactive liquids every two hours.” Villagers received “staggering” doses of radiation; scientists quietly monitored the rates of illness and death.


Such callous episodes, and better-known calamities such as Chernobyl and Fukushima, dominate the nuclear debate. As Mr Pearce observes, similar attention is rarely given to various studies demonstrating that no link exists between nuclear plants and local cancer rates, nor the painstaking schemes, such as those in Germany, to safely dispose of nuclear waste. His deepest worry is about Britain’s Sellafield plant, home to a massive stockpile of plutonium. In 1995 its fence was easily scaled by Greenpeace activists, who sprayed “bollocks” on the walls. A bomb sent across the fence could result in “a terrorist Chernobyl”, yet Mr Pearce saw little being done to reinforce the site.


He asks how long the beleaguered nuclear-power industry can survive—hobbled as it is by the association with nuclear weapons (“the Achilles’ heel of civil nuclear power”), a litany of disasters and the doomsday hyperbole of anti-nuclear activists. Mr Pearce recognises that “most civilian nuclear activities are safe”, but notes that in democracies, at least, the public has the power of veto, however sensibly they wield it.




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